Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Project 365: Day 103 - April 12

This picture shows only half of the quilters in the room. The room buzzed with chatter the whole weekend - I could figure out how some of the women made any progress at all on their quilts. I guess with experience comes the ability to chat and work!

Here's what the whole pinwheel block looks like - this one is Mom's block. There are 7 of these blocks in the quilt! This block used steps 1-3. Her pinwheels look absolutely perfect, don't they?

Late Saturday night ...really late...the mystery quilt was revealed! Here's the retreat coordinator's version of the quilt!

Here's the second big block in my fabrics - there are 8 of these. This is the first time I used the brown and green fabric - my second coordinating fabric. We also used the focus fabric for the first time - mine is the green with the red flowers and blue & white birds and nests. I'm still not sure how good it's going to look all cut up! The second block took steps 4 through 7. I got this one done and had to go to bed - it was almost 2. The others were pinned and ready to sew...and could wait until morning! I knew if I persisted and pieced more I'd end up having to rip out the seams.


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