Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Project 365: Day 239 - August 26

Our own little version of Into the Wild!

Will is dead set on finding a bird nest to take into school on Friday for his "share." Katherine helped him find his way, and guided him back out when he claimed to be lost!!

Doesn't his headgear remind you of that creepy, crazy guy in The Deer Hunter??? It's actually the method used by the K1 teachers to get the kids onto the correct buses in the afternoons.

The kids had great afternoon playing outside - they and their friends played pirates in the treehouse. I'm hoping we can have many more wonderful outside afternoons before the cold weather comes. We've already had one tree on our road drop all of its leaves!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thing (most of) what they are tromping through is Virginia Creeper and not Poison Ivy!

9:12 AM  

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