Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Day at the Races

After our scrumptious pancake breakfast, we headed to Woodberry for Morgan's Cross Country meet. Since I was going to be running all over trying to cheer and get pictures, the kids decided they'd rather hang out at the team tent.
While there, Will and Charlotte played "chase."

Caroline enjoyed being in charge of her siblings and playing with coach's kids.

This race is run in the middle of the day. It was hot last year, but bearable. This year it was just too hot to be running. The temperature was so hot that at least five runners collapsed and ambulances had to be called. Almost every runner was disappointed in her time. We were just thankful that all of our runners were okay. The race officials shortened the last race to two miles instead of three so that those runners would not get overheated.

Morgan was disappointed in her time and her team placement, but she recovered by dinnertime!


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