PACEM 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Kittie Colvin Trail Circle made dinner for the men tonight. Four women used the same chicken recipe, but came up with very different looking pans of chicken. It didn't matter at all and the men loved it! I brought rolls - how easy was that?!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tonight the YOUTH were in charge of serving dinner and activities with the men.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Kathy and I are the "In Charge" people on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year. This means the kids get to come and help out while we make sure everything goes smoothly. Tonight they got to help serve dinner!

Friday, February 5, 2010
When we heard that there was going to be more snow coming our way, the kids and I decided to make weekend reservations at the hotel right next to our church. We needed to be close by in case others couldn't make it in to cook, and clean, and help our guests. By the time we got ourselves moving and got to the hotel Friday afternoon, the snow was not fun to be in. It was windy and the snow w stung our faces. My plans for cool trek on grounds were dashed. Instead the kids watch TV, David shoveled the church sidewalks before heading home, and Morgan worked on a history paper. Then it was time to "feed the mans."

We woke up this morning, not as early as planned, but in happy spirits.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
We headed over to church to eat some of Robby & Larry's pancakes & sausage! On our way we saw snow-covered bikes!
A snow-covered playground... what you can't see are the bushes on the street side that have all been crushed down by the snow!
After eating, cleaning, and chatting with the men we headed back to the hotel room for some quiet time. We played along the way!

Soon it was time to go back to help make dinner! Tonight it is our Bible Study class's turn to make dinner.

We passed by the bikes again..

After dinner and activities, we headed back to the hotel for the night. The snow was beautiful!

We had to watch out for falling snow though!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sunday morning there were more pancakes & sausage for breakfast!! Will continued to read while K continued to clean. The men were all gone by 10:00 which gave us plenty of time to check out of the hotel!

Now we're homeward bound.
The Kittie Colvin Trail Circle made dinner for the men tonight. Four women used the same chicken recipe, but came up with very different looking pans of chicken. It didn't matter at all and the men loved it! I brought rolls - how easy was that?!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tonight the YOUTH were in charge of serving dinner and activities with the men.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Kathy and I are the "In Charge" people on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year. This means the kids get to come and help out while we make sure everything goes smoothly. Tonight they got to help serve dinner!

Friday, February 5, 2010
When we heard that there was going to be more snow coming our way, the kids and I decided to make weekend reservations at the hotel right next to our church. We needed to be close by in case others couldn't make it in to cook, and clean, and help our guests. By the time we got ourselves moving and got to the hotel Friday afternoon, the snow was not fun to be in. It was windy and the snow w stung our faces. My plans for cool trek on grounds were dashed. Instead the kids watch TV, David shoveled the church sidewalks before heading home, and Morgan worked on a history paper. Then it was time to "feed the mans."
We woke up this morning, not as early as planned, but in happy spirits.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
We headed over to church to eat some of Robby & Larry's pancakes & sausage! On our way we saw snow-covered bikes!
A snow-covered playground... what you can't see are the bushes on the street side that have all been crushed down by the snow!
Soon it was time to go back to help make dinner! Tonight it is our Bible Study class's turn to make dinner.
We passed by the bikes again..
After dinner and activities, we headed back to the hotel for the night. The snow was beautiful!
We had to watch out for falling snow though!!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sunday morning there were more pancakes & sausage for breakfast!! Will continued to read while K continued to clean. The men were all gone by 10:00 which gave us plenty of time to check out of the hotel!
Now we're homeward bound.
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