Tuesday, August 05, 2008

V is for Violin

Katherine has been quietly persistent in her efforts to have me sign her up for violin lessons. She hasn't been a pain but she hasn't let me forget that she wanted lessons.

For a while there just didn't seem to be any more time in the week to add another activity, so we didn't. There still isn't any more time, and there'll probably be even less free time with the boy starting school, but it doesn't seem right to avoid lessons for her just because I'm tired of driving everyone around. Besides, what else does she do? There's girl scouts, DI, and lacrosse. That's not really much for a 10-year-old.

So, yesterday I stopped by the music store just to check out our options and came away, as is common for my impulsive self, with a set weekly lesson time to begin tonight!

Here she is coming out of her very first lesson! Doesn't she look pleased?!


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