Friday, May 22, 2009

K1 Picnic

Once upon a time Teacher C and Teacher D took their classes to Teacher C's house for a day of fun. The kids quickly ate their picnic lunches and then were off to investigate and explore!

There was a playhouse full of toys and outside games galore! There was a cow named Mack (as in truck) and a horse named Fyreflii. There were even three goats and some chickens! The kids played baseball, badminton and frisbee, blew bubbles and hoolahooped! Teacher C and her daughter launched a soda bottle rocket with mentos!

After all that fun, there was more!! The kids were divided into color teams and had to find 8 eggs of their color. Once they found all eight eggs, the team got popsicles!

Soon it was time to head back across the field to catch the bus back to school!


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