Project 365: Feb 22
First, we always go after preschool, which usually means it's very crowded and there aren't enough tables or toys to go around. But then again, it does clear out fairly quickly because all those little kids need to go home and get naps!
The other constants are that Will comes with his friend Gabe, gets pumpkin bread and white milk (me-eelk), and plays with this firetruck. He usually drives it over to the table and parks it there so no one else can get to it. Sometimes he'll drive it round and round the turtle and park it underneath while he and Gabe work on the turtle with the tools.
When we first started going there Will was extremely apprehensive about climbing on the turtle. He needed help getting up and getting down. He was content to zoom cars and truck around the turtle's shell. Now he has no trouble at all joining the other kids as they climb up and slide off. I guess it won't be long before I'll have to keep him from trying to jump off the turtle's back!
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