Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Good Day For A Run

David and Morgan ran the MJ8K this morning. They were up and out early...leaving me to gather the rest of the brood and get to the course before they crossed the finish line! We did manage to get out of the house, get the van parked, and walk to the 2-mile mark long before the first runner got there. We even stopped for a dozen Spudnuts and a giant coffee on the way! So far so good.

It was early. It was cold. The boy was not a happy camper! Even after a doughnut he was crying. Poor guy. He was so UNhappy that spectators passing by openly wondered if he had been abandoned on the street corner. Good mom! The girls and I were right there, not 5 feet away from his screaming madness. We just weren't letting his hysterics distract us from looking for our runners. It was about this time that I recalled last year's 10-miler. Every time David ran by us Will would begin crying anew because he couldn't understand why his Daddy kept going. Next race, someone please remind me to get a sitter!

So anyway, David & Morgan passed the 2-mile mark in record time - just over 10 minutes a mile! Once they passed, we packed up our provisions and I scooped up the wailing heap and we headed off to the next stop. Aww, all the boy needed was to be carried three blocks and given another doughnut, and he was fine! Until he noticed that his hands were sticky. You know, after being a mother this long, you'd think I'd remember that little ones do not like to have sticky, dirty fingers, even if it means they've been eating the best doughnuts in town...with no limits. Geez. Thank goodness for gloves and Strawberry Kiwi!

Okay, we settled in at the wall just after the 4 1/2 mile point.This was great because the finish line was just a round the corner. We could cheer them on and then walk over to congratulate them at the finish. Too perfect! We waited and watched the same runners pass by by again, and then David & Morgan came along. Oh, they looked great. Morgan looked like she could run another 5, no problem. They ended up finishing in just over 50 minutes (10:05 minute miles!). What a great race!

At the finish they were also met by Grandmama and Granddaddy, who had cheered from several points along the course,
and Valorie, who had walked the 4K. After sticking around for the awards and the grab bag prizes, we headed off to IHop. Yum! Nothing like real breakfast after running (or watching) a road race!


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