Friday, April 13, 2007

Field Day 2007

Today was field day at the elementary school. I was one of the parents helping with the Lunch Tray Relay. Here's Katherine's class. They were our guinea pigs today since we were making things up as the day went on!

Blue, red, green & yellow teams waiting for the ready, set, go!

The students started with an empty tray and had to run down carrying the tray, sometimes alone and sometimes in pairs, to the end of the blacktop to a pile of items. Then they had to use sticks to pick up 5 items and bring them back to the rest of the team. Then the next person or pairs would go until everyone had taken a turn. All this was done with a rubber chicken between the knees!

There were 9 other stations, including an obstacle course, sack races, water relay, (and it was cold & windy today!), 50 yard dash, gutter relay, clothes relay, and the parachute.

Best of all though there was hot coffee, juice, bagels and Spudnuts holes for the volunteers! Three cheers for the PE Department!


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