Monday, May 07, 2007

Forever Young

Never in my life would I have sought out tickets to a Rod Stewart concert. It's not that I don't like his music as much as it's that I've never been a big music fan*.

I've never been a big concert-goer. My first was in law school when Bruce Hornsby came to Wait Chapel to play. That was good, but I only went then because David thought it was good idea. He's also the one behind my stint of attending Jimmy Buffett concerts, including one that lasted only 15 minutes! In recent years I've also attended Simon & Garfunkel and James Taylor concerts.

Of all of those, the Simon and Garfunkel concert was by far my favorite.

Back to Rod. We went because we got free tickets. Actually the evening was supposed to be a surprise date night. It was a nice surprise, or it would have been had David not needed me to pick up the tickets! And I did enjoy myself. My point was only that I would not have sought out that entertainment for the evening.

What surprised me most was that I recognized all of Rod's songs. Had you asked me 2 days prior what his hits were, I'd have told you the only one I knew (from 1978, when I was but a wee child), "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?"

So, now I have 2 CDs of his music thanks to Kathleen (who touched him!). With a day to go before the concert (with lots of driving to lessons and games), I was able to listen and learn all of his concert songs and could then sing along during the concert. Having to listen to me sing probably put a damper on David's evening - poor guy. But I was in good company as so many of the people there were belting out the lyrics.

Rod. He's got a cute tush, and a wicked smile. It's easy to see why he's the object of infatuation.

*Though I can recite the lyrics to Black Dog in a heartbeat!

I borrowed the concert photos from a friend, 'cause I couldn't post about the evening and NOT have any pictures!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Au contraire, listening to you sing was the highlight of my evening!

The fact that you can recite the lyrics to "Black Dog" is irrefutable proof that you are the one for me, btw.

10:35 PM  

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