Monday, June 11, 2007

Annual Church Picnic

Tradition. Every year church members congregate for a picnic and fun. They bring homemade salads, sides and desserts to complement the Michie Tavern fried chicken that our hosts provide. The food is always as plentiful as it is delicious!
The event always starts off with swimming at 3, and then the annual egg toss at 5. Many families race up the driveway at 4:45, having rushed through Sunday afternoon activities in order to prepare food and get to the picnic on time!

This year the winners of the egg toss were Caroline & Mattie. Mattie plays catcher for her softball team and Caroline was just plain lucky that her egg didn't break when it hit the ground! David and I held strong until I overthrew our egg. It landed safely and bounced twice without breaking, but then bounced right into the fence, ending our chances for the crown. At least we weren't wearing egg all afternoon!

Swimming! egg toss! Great food! What more could you ask for? In addition to all that there was a hayride and a moonbounce! The guys rode the hayride twice and the little boys enjoyed it every bit as much as their dads did! The dads weren't allowed inside the moonbounce because they are too big, but the moms did get to go in.
Have you ever been inside a moonbounce? Once you get used to the bouncing, it's a lot of fun! This one was shaped like a castle and had stairs and a slide. Will had fun leading Carter around playing follow the leader - Carter followed Will up the stairs, down the slide, back into the moonbounce and around the inside before doing it all over again all the while singing the following the leader song from, it Peter Pan?

With all that entertainment, the boys still found time to listen to a story and to play with their walkie-talkies and trucks. They did not visit the pond this year, mainly because the boys who usually catch all the fish were on vacation and didn't provide us with the opportunity to ogle their catch!

Maybe next year!

While the little boys played and stuck close to their parents, we saw nary a big girl from the time the egg toss ended until it was time to clean up an go home! The girls had a wonderful time hanging out by the pool with their friends.

Humor me. I'm including this last picture of me coming down the slide, purely for the pleasure of those who would find it funny... or tragic. There really is nothing funny about this perspective - my feet look huge and my rear, well there's no denying how incredibly large it looks. The fact that my dear husband would take such an unflattering picture at such an unflattering angle provides me with the perfect opportunity to inform all of you that my rear end is not really that big, and even if it is, it's not nearly as big as it used to be!!


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