Christmas Eve.
For months now I've been ready for Christmas. No, really, I have been, and had I stopped no one would have been any wiser. Alas, it's in my blood never to stop and to completely overdo, especially when it come to Christmas!
So, today David had quite few returns to make. As it turns out, today was a good day for returns -everyone else was still shopping so the returns lines were empty!!
While he battled the traffic and non-crowds and got a long run in, we stayed home and finished our to-do lists. First we had to make chocolate covered pretzels and toffee, and finish wrapping gifts.

I had all the kids working at the kitchen table making the pretzels while I worked on preparing pound after pound of toffee.

Then we headed into church so I could organize Christmas cards so that people could pick them up on their way in or out of the service. Meanwhile, the kids were pressed into service assembling candles into the new cup holders for the candlelight service. Everyone, no matter how small or spastic, gets a candle. Needless to say, I wasn't really paying attention to the singing when the candles were lit. Will loved having one though, and I think it was the highlight of his day!

Upon arriving home we ate a quick meal and settled in to make our gingerbread house! The kids had a great time assembling the house and decorating with all the candies! Then, once it was done, the unthinkable happened! The roof fell off and the walls fell in. I had to come to the rescue with curling ribbon!

The day ended as it has in all the years since children...with David reading
Twas the Night Before Christmas to all the kids.
The kids scooted off to bed hoping to hear bells and scuffling of hooves, while David and I finished up our last minute preparations...after falling asleep in front of the tree!