Sunday, September 24, 2006

G is for Gaines

My boy loves to sing. He sings all day long. He sings everything from his ABCs to Deep and Wide. From songs about spiders climbing water spouts to songs about small men climbing trees. He sings the blessing every night at dinner, carefully enunciating each syllable, and often starting over when he messes up. Sometimes he even sings the blessing before going to bed.

While he may come by his love of song and love of music honestly through his genes, I can't help but think that he loves to sing because of a man he calls "Gaines."

On Sunday mornings when Will doesn't really want to wake up, all we have to do is tell him he's going to sing with Mr. Gaines and he's up and ready to go. We can't ride the elevator down to the preschool suite without Will noting the "G" on the panel (for "ground") is for Gaines.

Ray Gaines has been teaching our pee wee choir (officially "cherub choir") for more years than I can count. He takes the 3s through Pre-K for 45 minutes every Sunday morning. Ray has had as many as 8 little boys on a Sunday morning...all by himself! Now that's amazing! He plays his guitar and sings while the boys sit (mostly) quietly and sing with him. They know the songs and now have favorites.
We're thankful for Ray's dedication to all the children, and especially for the gift he's given Will.

G is for Gaines, for which we are grateful.


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