Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Full Afternoon

Decorating bulletin boards doesn't come easy to me. When I became Director of the Preschool Department at church I asked for additional bulletin boards so we could keep our families abreast of upcoming activities.

In doing so I hadn't given much thought to how they would look! Totally unprepared from a creativity standpoint I went online to look for bulletin board ideas specifically for church preschool departments. I may come across a bit harsh, but I found nothing inspiring - the choices were either ugly or too corny for our families. What I was then left with was my own mushy brain.

So, the first board ended up with the Creation theme combined with the current season. Pretty easy, not corny, and attractive but certainly not perfect. The theme connects with the current Bible study that our children are doing. Here are the projects that Miss Patti's class has done so far.

Notice the busiest pictures belong to a boy named Will - very rarely is there white space on a page when he's finished with his artwork. He told his teacher that his leaves were falling which explains why there are so many. I'm not sure what explanation he gave for the over-colored animals!

Today Katherine and I were at church delivering the big girls for a community service project and decided to work on the other larger board that had just been installed this week. I had managed to get up 2 pumpkins and a leaf when Katherine decided she should be the one to finish the board. So here's her board in progress, and completed except for the notices and photos that are my responsibility!

After collecting the big girls, and sending Katherine off for a spontaneous sleepover, we all headed over to Carter's house for Chinese food and a movie until it was time to take the girls back to church for their lock-in.

They'll stay up all night, eating junk, watching movies, and playing games. There will be some Bible study - the girls were doing their best to memorize the books of the Bible before tonight. They'll have fun and it'll be all I can do to keep them from falling asleep in church tomorrow!


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