Singing a New Song

Today Shirley, Will & I traveled to Lynchburg to collect Morgan & Caroline from music camp at Eagle Eyrie. (Katherine came too, though in another vehicle with another family.) The girls left Monday afternoon with other youth and chaperones from our church. The campers spent the week singing, stomping, moving to music, learning keyboard or guitar, making crafts & banners, and playing in the orchestra.
Every year on Friday morning families arrive to enjoy the end-of-camp concert. There's nothing like hearing several hundred young voices singing praises to the Lord, even if it does involve a bit of stomp. We arrived this morning to a sea of light blue t-shirts all with the theme "Roots" emblazened across the chest. The orchestra & choirs were wonderful!
After making the obligatory stop for lunch at the Madison Heights McDonald's we headed to church to trade children & luggage and then on home where we found Granddaddy lounging in the pool. It didn't take long before the girls & boy joined him, totally disrupting his solitude!!!