Today we drove over the mountain for a day on the river with a bunch of friends from church. The last time we were on this river was almost 5 years ago - Katherine barely remembered that she had tubed once before.
The toys for the day included several canoes, a kayak, 17 tubes, and about a hundred fishing rods.

Okay, not quite that many rods, but it sure did seem like it! At one point there were so many fishing lines out in the river that I was sure someone would get hooked on a cast! It never happened though - thank goodness!

The girls put their camp canoeing skills to work and ferried the little kids up and down the river all day long.
Everyone tubed at least once and some two or three times! Will loved it! He refused to use the tube with the seat, refused to be tied to anyone, and refused a life jacket.

He and David tubed past our regular exit point and, as a result, had a much longer walk back to the house.

I'm hoping I can get the video of his ride down the last rapids on here so you can hear him scream in delight at the ride! If he keeps this up he'll be more than ready for his dad's annual whitewater rafting trip!

Katherine caught 3 small mouth bass, and Will caught one. Morgan dug her own worms, baited her own hooks, and could have fished all day. Lots of other people caught fish, too, but everyone threw them back into the river to be caught all over again!!

Caroline did not fish. She never does! She did however hold Katherine's rod for her while Katherine scrambled into the canoe and then she even paddled her sister around the river so she could fish more.
When we weren't on the water we were inside eating or just hanging around on the porch!

A nugget of trivia for those of you who like that kind of thing. Katherine was the Rock Paper Scissors Champion of the entire SB2W First Term camp! Hearing that Scott challenged her to a 2 out of 3, and lost!

At the end of the day, when everyone else had gone home (because of course we had to be the very last ones to leave!), I found Morgan and Caroline out in one of the canoes with our host. He was loving it. They were loving it. So, instead of bring the vessel in when I said we needed to leave, he dropped Caroline on shore and scooped up Katherine! I think he would have kept them out there all night just fishing away - and they would have stayed too!