Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
So Many Choices
Morgan's independent study this spring semester is on quilt making so Mom wanted to take her up there to pick out fabrics for her quilt. She picked some cute fat quarters for one pattern, and then picked some nice Amish solids in black and varied greens for another quilt.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Project 365: Day 333 - November 28
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Project 365: Day 332 - November 27
After a scrumptious meal we went outside for some fresh air and exercise! There was football, catch, and just swinging on the porch swing! Bill and Carolyn are wonderful about having things for the kids to do.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Project 365: Day 330 - November 25
Monday, November 24, 2008
Project 365: Day 329 - November 24
For the last 15 plus years we've been reading out of this book to someone or more than one someone.
Now, even the boy doesn't need help reading from this book. He still gets it, but likes to read to himself while waiting patiently for us to join him!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Project 365: Day 327 - November 22
We had a busy day today. First we had to get everyone up and out very early. We actually left a sick dad in bed, but the rest of us got moving! The two bigger girls went to the Red Cross for an all-day babysitting class.
Will, Katherine and I dropped them off and had lots of time to spare before the Jefferson Thanksgiving Parade on the Downtown Mall. We found the topmost parking space in the whole parking garage! And then we had fun looking down!

We wandered and watched the vendors as they set up their booths. Somehow we found ourselves at the ice park watching the big guys play ice hockey. Will loved it, I loved the warmth, and Katherine wanted to leave!
Just before the start of the parade we found lots of our friends from church and we settled in for the parade. But first a picture was required.
Then we hit Chaps for hot chocolate because it was colder than it would have been had I stayed in bed!

Here we are waiting and watching.
Then the parade came and took a detour so we had to get up from our comfy, cozy spot and travel a bit to see the speakers and listen to their speeches.
After the parade we gathered a few Christmas presents, ate lunch at my all-time favorite cheese steak sub place, and took in the rest of the mall.

I'm not really sure what we did for the next 3 hours but we filled them and then picked up our new card carrying babysitters!
Will, Katherine and I dropped them off and had lots of time to spare before the Jefferson Thanksgiving Parade on the Downtown Mall. We found the topmost parking space in the whole parking garage! And then we had fun looking down!
Just before the start of the parade we found lots of our friends from church and we settled in for the parade. But first a picture was required.
Then we hit Chaps for hot chocolate because it was colder than it would have been had I stayed in bed!
Then the parade came and took a detour so we had to get up from our comfy, cozy spot and travel a bit to see the speakers and listen to their speeches.
After the parade we gathered a few Christmas presents, ate lunch at my all-time favorite cheese steak sub place, and took in the rest of the mall.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Project 365: Day 323 - November 18
Monday, November 17, 2008
Project 365: Day 322 - November 17
Tonight Will and I took turns reading the pages in this favorite book. I can hardly wait until he hits 2nd grade and each kid in the class (hopefully!) will make his own Flat Stanley to send around the country.
We still have Morgan's Stanley from way back when! It took a trip out to Utah with Grandma and had a real adventure! Someday soon maybe I'll dig that out and post about those adventures. Grandma and Stanley had a great time traveling the wild west!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Project 365: Day 321 - November 16
Afterwards they filled their bellies with pizza!
Friends & fun, and full bellies. What more can you ask for?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Project 365: Day 319 - November 14
Great fun! Great food! Great friends!
Only minor injuries ... and little hands in the chocolate tart!
Looking forward to next year - BYOS!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Project 365: Day 318 - November 13
Morgan emptied her pockets of gum trash on her way out of the elementary school and then remembered halfway to her school that her little piggie had also been in that same pocket! "You have to get him!" she told me. I wasn't so sure about that. I had so many things to do today and going back to school was not one of them!
But she was right, I had to! His field trip lasted about 3 hours before I could get back to the elementary school to go through the trash to rescue him! Truth was, he and the gum trash were the only trash in the can! Thank goodness!