Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday in Emerald Isle
Now, it seems like it's all we can do to get everyone out of bed by 8 and be on the beach by 10. I know how that happens...we stay up too late, sleep in too long, nurse our coffee too long, and spend a very long time making sure everyone gets enough sunscreen applied. Today we must have gotten out there sooner since 2 of our offspring now sport pink faces!
The kids all enjoyed the water again today. Katherine was out there jumping waves all by herself, and Will joined her in David's arms. Caroline and Morgan are old pros in the ocean and kept close to Katherine. Later Will dug holes and chased the birds, wondering all the while why he couldn't catch them and take them home.
Morgan's reading Angela's Ashes for school - already doing assignments. Caroline has been catching up on 26 weeks of Sunday comics, Katherine has been playing checkers with her Grandmama off and on for 7 hours, and Will has been alternating between figuring out the shark puzzle and putting the Uno cards in numerical order.
David and I made dinner tonight - a delicious and super easy shrimp recipe (see below), plus fruit salad (note: balls not chunks), fettuccine alfredo for the kids, and green beans. For dessert, the oft desired root beer and orange crush floats.
Shrimp with Lemon and Garlic:
1 1/2 pounds shrimp, peeled
1 T grapeseed or olive oil
2 T fresh lemon juice
3 T butter
2 T scallions, green part only
1 T chopped garlic
1/4 teaspoon soy sauce
freshly milled black pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Toss shrimp with oil and lemon juice. Melt the butter in a baking pan in the oven and add the shrimp, scallions, garlic, and soy sauce. Bake for 3 - 5 minutes, or until just firm. Baste and season with black pepper. Serve immediately.
from The New Legal Sea Foods Cookbook by Roger Berkowitz and Jane Doerfer
After dinner, we went for a walk on the beach collecting shells and watching the kids play in the surf. We cut our walk short as a result of the pesky mosquitoes biting our legs.

Katherine and Granddaddy took his computer apart several times tonight. I think they finally got it working, but couldn't get it hooked up to the Internet. It's a pretty scary sight to see a 9-year-old and her Granddaddy taking a screwdriver to the back of the laptop! At least Will didn't see them. Then nothing would be safe. I remember my older brother taking radios (and other much larger things) apart when we were young and not always getting them back together. What's a screw or two?
Big News at our house tonight! Katherine is no longer Snaggletooth! She finally lost that tooth - it had only been loose for 6 months!
Now for Scrabble! David and I played and boy was it a torturous game. He challenged just about every word I put down. Geez. Can you say lack of trust?! I beat him, and it's really all his fault since his second word was FIG, using an I already on the board. He kind of stunted the game with that one!
Tomorrow. Another day and another game!
1 T grapeseed or olive oil
2 T fresh lemon juice
3 T butter
2 T scallions, green part only
1 T chopped garlic
1/4 teaspoon soy sauce
freshly milled black pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Toss shrimp with oil and lemon juice. Melt the butter in a baking pan in the oven and add the shrimp, scallions, garlic, and soy sauce. Bake for 3 - 5 minutes, or until just firm. Baste and season with black pepper. Serve immediately.
from The New Legal Sea Foods Cookbook by Roger Berkowitz and Jane Doerfer
Katherine and Granddaddy took his computer apart several times tonight. I think they finally got it working, but couldn't get it hooked up to the Internet. It's a pretty scary sight to see a 9-year-old and her Granddaddy taking a screwdriver to the back of the laptop! At least Will didn't see them. Then nothing would be safe. I remember my older brother taking radios (and other much larger things) apart when we were young and not always getting them back together. What's a screw or two?
Big News at our house tonight! Katherine is no longer Snaggletooth! She finally lost that tooth - it had only been loose for 6 months!
Tomorrow. Another day and another game!
Monday in Emerald Isle
Later in the day Katherine and I went shopping for necessities - things like birthday presents, a new pirate book for Will, eggos, ice cream and rootbeer!
Project 365: July 29
We didn't leave home until after 3 which meant we didn't get to the beach until around 10. Did that stop anyone from eating as soon as we got there?! Not my crew.
Once we got unpacked and assigned rooms, we had to do some clearing out. Morgan's room was decorated with a very large fish replica which gave her the heeby jeebies. Grandmama gladly removed the offending fish and put it in her own bedroom! You can see why it might have freaked Morgan out!
Just Keep Swimming
One of the really cool things about Champs is that we get to see all kinds of people that we know from other places... we see kids from our current and former preschools and elementary schools, from ballet, soccer and lacrosse...we know people on just about every team in town!
Once Caroline's events were finished we packed up and headed home to pack to yet another week at the beach! The kids fell into bed while David prepared his Bible Study lesson and I attempted to get the laundry finished and pack our bags. In the end we decided to pack the van after church and went to bed!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Project 365: July 27
These girls have known each other since they were itty bitty babies in the church nursery. They go to different schools and swim for different teams, but they always have a good time together!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Project 365: July 25
My dear husband was kind enough to send "Adding Chlorine for DUMMIES" so that I could accomplish the task without any trouble. As it turned out I still had Caroline and Morgan right there by my side helping me. With his directions and their assistance there was no way I could do this wrong!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Playing Catch Up
July 27th UPDATE: Done. Finished. Fini! Enjoy!
July 26th UPDATE: Okay, I've managed to post through last Thursday so far. I took over 1100 pictures while we were away so it's taking a little bit of time to go through them all. Morgan suggested I just post all of them - not going to happen. It's a shame really because there are some really cute ones that will never be viewed for the sheer lack of room...alas, alack, oh woe, oy vay!
We're back. I'm desperately trying to get it all done here! Get the laundry done, work on the bathroom, think about school assignments and light fires under young tushes, gear up for the last swim event (!), and pack for the beach! Oh yes, and write interesting, informative, yet non-embarrassing, posts!
July 26th UPDATE: Okay, I've managed to post through last Thursday so far. I took over 1100 pictures while we were away so it's taking a little bit of time to go through them all. Morgan suggested I just post all of them - not going to happen. It's a shame really because there are some really cute ones that will never be viewed for the sheer lack of room...alas, alack, oh woe, oy vay!
We're back. I'm desperately trying to get it all done here! Get the laundry done, work on the bathroom, think about school assignments and light fires under young tushes, gear up for the last swim event (!), and pack for the beach! Oh yes, and write interesting, informative, yet non-embarrassing, posts!
Project 365: July 24
I tried and tried not to pick it up. I knew from past experience that if I did I'd never get all of the things accomplished that are on my list for the week. Unfortunately we had time to kill at piano lessons and at XC practice. It was the perfect time to read a book.
As I suspected, once I started reading I could not put it down.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Project 365: July 23
Caroline immediately opened it and began reading. She read non-stop and finished it before the day was through. Periodically she'd tell me insignificant happenings like, only two people have died so far. Thanks Caroline!
So Long, Farewell...
I've always felt like my family's belongings explode when we arrive someplace. Now I know it's not just us! While we tried to keep things orderly, there's just no way to bring 18 people to the beach and not have utter chaos when it's time to leave!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Waiting For Harry
Most of us went - sans 2 dads and 4 sleepy boys and Boo. On the way we stopped for DQ which as usual was yummy, and blog fodder. Maybe another time. Not.
We all went to bed, but ScrabbleQueen and CallyBob read into the 1st chapter before hitting the hay.