We all volunteered at the Women's Four Miler this weekend. Usually we leave David and Will at home, but this year, the volunteer tech shirts were black and not very small so I picked one up in David's size instead of a too big one for Katherine. I figured that if he was getting such a cool shirt he'd better work for it, so he and Will came out with us and helped hand out water to the masses.

We filled 2000 cups with water. There were 3000 runners and many of them took more than one cup. I felt really sorry for the walkers at the end of the pack, since they had to resort to getting water poured into their hands.

The kids all had fun serving and cheering, and even cleaning up! Morgan's team volunteered together so we didn't see her after parking the van, until the very end of the race. We were at the first water stop just before the 2-mile point. She was at the finish line!

After all that hard work we just had to find some pancakes and
bacon! Because that's what we do