This weekend my friend Tara and I took three of our six girls to Greensboro for
The Revolve Tour. We snuck the girls out of school early and drove down to NC, arriving at the hotel in time for some "let's act like we've never been in a hotel before" fun and a quick dip in the pool before heading to dinner.

We ate at a place called Oh! Brian's Ribs. We'd gone there last fall when we came down for the Women of Faith Conference over Halloween weekend. That time it was the only place on High Point Road that did not have a line. Back in October we were desperate and walked just hoping the food would be good. We were not disappointed - at least those of us who weren't depending on dinner at The Olive Garden. This time we knew it would be good. We ate plenty, and vowed to return later that night for dessert. I don't think our waiter believed us - he seemed a bit surprised to see us again later!

After dinner we went to the coliseum, made out way to our seats and spent the next few hours being entertained by drama, speakers and bands. We saw Krystal Meyers, Natalie Grant, Group 1 Crew, Chad Eastham. Danielle Kimmey, Jenna Lucado and more. The noise was amazing. I'm not talking about the noise from the bands, which was a bit more than I'm used to. No! I'm talking about the screaming from the girls sitting around us! I taped it but I won't subject you to it - amazing.

Afterwards, we went for dessert. Why? Because we could and those enormous desserts were calling our names. The only sensible one among us was Bailey - she ordered a scoop of vanilla ice cream! What she got was an enough for four people!

After falling into bed we all slept really well - except for that part in the night when someone yelled out and I jumped out of bed ready for battle. We were up early for the ginormous and filling Embassy breakfast buffet!
Saturday we were in for more of the same - really good drama, inspirational speakers and awesome music! Our treat on this day was Hawk Nelson! Apparently some of the girls came only to see this band because the level of screaming went off any chart available!

When the whole event ended we headed to Winston-Salem to see Bailey's Aunt Ellen, the most gracious hostess around. Who else do you know who'd allow a bunch of people - only half of whom she knew - to invite themselves to stay the night!?

Well she did let us come and we had a great time! We totally made ourselves at home - can't you tell!? We ate good food, and more ice cream, slept well, and then ate more, before heading north to our own Cville this afternoon. On our way though we did discover the straight shot to the coliseum, which will help us when we head down for the Women of Faith conference next November.