Saturday, June 30, 2007
A Very, Very, Very Long Day
After pancakes we walked up the shopping center and looked at stuff. We found charms for Will's crocs and some other cool things.
(Oh, and check out his outfit. He's into dressing himself these days, and I just let him! This outfit matched he said because "it has a flag here and a flag here." And cowboy boots go with everything!)
Nothing's better than having Daddy come home.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Project 365: June 29
Anyway, it made me laugh because this is what Will did to pass the time at the game this evening! He and his friend Carter played with their mote controls and the dirt but they still weren't as dirty as some of the dads out there on the field!
So Long Softball
As of tonight the regular season is over. We won our last game, but lost the make-up game. The play-offs come in a couple of weeks but my participation is at an end for this year. It's been fun and we'll definitely be back for more next year!
We had the cutest little umpire. He had just come off vacation so he wasn't too cranky, and was actually apologetic when he called me out. I was behind the plate tonight and was lucky to come away without losing some teeth or suffering a concussion. Our statistician kept reminding me not to stand so quickly after the pitch...and it took me awhile to actually see that I was putting myself in the way of the bat! Still, I wasn't the one carried away by the rescue squad.
Swim Lesson #3
Motivation might come from any of the following:
Being proud that you went under water when you really didn't want to!
Being proud that you were blowing bubbles and using your arms and legs!
Having a good time even though you were freezing!!
Kicking so hard that you splashed your mom!
Finally getting to wrap up in a warm towel!
Getting to pick out a ring pop!
Or not. It's definitely about the ring pop!
Project 365: June 28
I remember when the two older girls went away to camp for the first time, and all of the sudden Katherine started talking nonstop. We realized that she hadn't been able to get a word in with her sisters around. They had always been there and had always had something to say. Maybe the same thing is going on with the boy. Who knows. It is kind of fun to hear what's on his mind minute-by-minute! At the same time I'm thankful for food because that also keeps his mouth busy!
Time For Work
After they worked we all sat down by the pond and watched the frogs and fish, talked about recent bear sightings and actually saw a deer. Oh, and we drank up all of Grandmama's lemonade! Boy, was that good!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Project 365: June 27
So, I bought the stuff to deal with this painted over wallpaper, oh, about 3 years ago. I've been busy since then, but really, probably not that busy. Lucky for me the stuff doesn't go bad! I gave myself 4 days to get the old paper off - I figured one wall per day with a little wiggle room since the entire room isn't really covered. Alas, I'm on day 3 and I'm not finished with the first wall. Lots of reasons, or excuses, whichever you prefer. My new goal is to have the room stripped by the time we get the girls.
That's doable. Especially with my helper at my side!
I Went Walking
After a minute or two though I could hear the panic in his voice, "Gracie, no!" I thought to myself, as much as I wouldn't mind losing that dumb dog, I really couldn't let it be on Will's shoulders if we didn't have her when his sisters got back from camp. Darn! So, that's how I ended up holding the leash for the rest of the walk and ended up with mostly blurry pictures. It is, after all, very difficult to take pictures while trying to not to lose a dog.
* Some people think I've got a problem. Do you think there's a 12-step program available for photoholics?
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Project 365: June 25
That's the sweetness that I awoke to this morning. Well, the second time I as awakened anyway. The first time was at 5:15 when David rang the doorbell because he'd forgotten his keys! That wasn't so sweet, unless you count that I got to actually see him before he left!
Back to Will. Once he figured out that his sisters were at camp for a long time and that his Daddy was also gone "flying in his airplane," the boy was perfectly happy to snuggle in the bed and read stories and talk about the squirrels scampering up the trees.
"It's just you and me Mommy."
Will's First Sleepover
When Will found out that he was sleeping over at Carter's house, he was so excited that he couldn't sit still. He gathered his things and packed them up in Katherine's pink and purple rolling suitcase. He also declared that he needed to borrow her sleeping bag because he was sleeping over at Carter's and Carter did not have another bed for him to use. Add to his pile his pillow, and he was all set.
Our initial plan was to go over after dinner, but then plans changed. We were invited to come for dinner. That threw the boy a bit. "Mommy, you have to go if dinner isn't ready, and you can come back when it's dinner time." "Then, Mommy, you can go and come back after I have my breakfast."
I encouraged him to accept the fact that I too needed to eat and that Carter's mommy would be sad if I didn't stay and talk for awhile. That became the new plan. Will would play with Carter while I talked with Carter's mommy. Then we would eat, and then I would leave.
That is exactly what I did.
Swim Lesson #1
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Project 365: June 24
This is the view of Morgan's cabin. I was not allowed to take any pictures of her anywhere near her cabin. In fact, I was almost not even allowed to see the inside of her cabin. She unpacked and made her bunk without my assistance, not because I wasn't willing to help, but because (I think) having a mother's help somehow diminishes a teenage girl in her own eyes. I wonder if having her mother's assistance doing laundry once camp is over would have the same effect?!
I did feel much better when I saw another girl from her cabin balking at having her picture taken. The girls commiserated, as did that mother and I.
SB2W - Drop Off
One of the funnier things that happened while we were there was that I found out that the father of one of Katherine's cabin-mates was in my high school class. He said I looked familiar - I didn't think he did, though his name was familiar. I looked him up in my old yearbook this afternoon. He was one of the smarter guys, but didn't conform at all. He was really cute too, but had a girlfriend all through high school, so he wasn't one to waste your time wishing over! Not that I ever wasted any time wishing over boys. No way, not me!
The good news this year is that the showers all have curtains around them! In the past only the private showers (which had shorter shower times) had curtains.
For the record, not everyone grumbled!
She was happy. Her sisters were happy. Everyone at camp was happy. Wonderful. That's the way we want it to be, but it sure didn't make us feel any less empty while we were driving home.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
When One Gets Too Big For One's Britches
Unfortunately for Morgan there were water balloons available at this party! She thought it was pretty funny to get other people wet, but didn't much like it when she got wet, or at least not at my behest, so she came after me!!!!
Silly girl!