Saturday, March 31, 2007
Project 365: March 30
dinner was over...,
friends were gone...,
big sister in bed...,
little brother heading that way...,
just needing a little bit of sugar...
so Katherine, Caroline & I hit the freezer and snagged ice cream sandwiches before heading to bed!
Sometimes sugar in the form of ice cream & wafers is a necessary prerequisite for hitting the pillow. We needed our energy, after all, so we could make it through the next day.
More to follow...
Project 365: March 29
K, on the other hand, was not so happy when she put Morgan's in her mouth, thinking it was hers. It was too big and very uncomfortable. Everyone knows playing lacrosse is about being comfortable so we dished out $5 to the coach for another properly sized mouthguard! Everyone happy? Good!
Happy, that is until about halfway through the final scrimmage. With the game stopped K came out saying she'd lost her mouthguard. How does one lose a mouthguard in the middle of a scrimmage? We quickly searched the field and dished out another $5 to the coach for yet another perfectly sized mouthguard, and the game went on.
Afterwards, K came to the blanket to get her Gatorade and found - you guessed it - her mouthguard. It had been lounging on the blanket since the first water break. Turns out she never had it in for the scrimmage. She's lucky she didn't get the ball!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
A Day at the Park
First, here's our group, just starting out. They are a large and lively bunch, full of energy and imagination. Little did we know what we'd gotten ourselves into...oh, and that's the other Gracie - the one who listens.
The little boys had to stay away from the water. Why? - because they might fall in and then we'd have to go in after them. Ick! So instead of playing at the edge of the river these guys collected rocks & sticks, filled their pockets with rocks, and threw them down over the side of the hill, sometimes narrowly missing their siblings & friends!
Here's the bunch at the water's edge. You'd think these kids never got to leave the confines of their homes, that they never got to breathe outside air, that they never got to get dirty and touch things living in the water. They were all so excited about this field trip and none of them were ready to leave when the time came.
None but the little guys. Will's comment as we were walking the mile back to the park sums it up, "My legs and feet and arms want to fall off my body." So we danced and walked and finally made it back to our van (and snacks) without too much fussing. He did get to pee outside, and being a boy, that made everything all better!
Project 365: March 28
One desperately clinging to winter and all that is familiar, and the other looking ahead to what's coming next and the freshness spring brings.
With temperatures in the high 80s we're starting to dig out our shorts and t-shirts and pack away our sweaters and turtlenecks. It won't be long before our morning dash won't include "Take a sweater!"
Already we've had the "When will the pool be open?" question. The summer swim party schedule has been posted. Swim team suits are in and ready for purchase. Summer sports and camps are beginning to send information.
We are so ready for summer, yet we still have 2 1/2 months of school, including SOLs, to get through. In the end though, the days will pass, the tests will come and go, and summer will come. We'll be so ready!
Project 365: March 27
Despite the fact that my carpet is now very much the very latest in polka dot fashion, and that we have to wear several inch thick pads when we retrieve Gracie from the line, there are times...still few and far between...that I catch myself actually liking the poor creature. In fact, last night when I tried to quietly let her lick a pudding spoon, the room went quiet, because "Oh look! Mommy's being nice to Gracie!"
I mean, really, is it her fault that she's wired that way? Can she help being manic? Does she know any better? Maybe her parents fed her too much sugar, or didn't love her enough, or just didn't teach her to be still. Maybe she's going through a phase. Oh, I do hope so!
So, the dog's enough.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Working at the Car Wash
The girls did a good job of soaping and rinsing the van, but got a bit sidetracked when David & Morgan came home. After all now there was another vehicle in need of a wash! It was at this point that Will took up the hose! He did pretty well to stick with rinsing the van, until he spotted Caroline and realized how easily he could get a reaction from her!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Project 365: March 25
She may be small but she sure can hang in there with the rest of the players and isn't afraid to get in anyone's face either! She's also finding out that being small has its advantages on the field.
We went from this game straight to the other team's practice. In just a few weeks we'll be have games on both Saturdays and Sundays! Exciting news for the orange team - they get to play next Saturday at half-time for the UVA v. Duke women's game! Too fun!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
ZTA Run for Life 5K
We ran for all of the women we know who have, or have had breast cancer. We ran for those who survived, we ran for those who didn't, and we ran for hope.
Project 365: March 24
So what is it that she is eating? A cinnamon bagel from Panera - yum! Make that a well-deserved cinnamon bagel from Panera!
This girl ran the ZTA Run for Life 5K this morning. We were going to walk the course, but Morgan wanted someone to run with her, so we started out (for all of an 1/8 mile) running right behind Morgan.
Then we settled into our own pace and our own little routine. We'd run and then K would say, "Let's walk". So we'd walk, for 3 steps, and she'd start running again.
I'd say, "K, what happened to walking?!" Her response cracked me up, because it's the same thing that I feel when I run..."I want to walk, but my body is telling me to run!"
So we ran....for bagels!
When I'm Four
We have to be careful to give him the softer practice ball because when he swings that stick around he can do some real damage to any unwary soul nearby! Perhaps they should consider requiring lacrosse fans to wear protective gear!
Project 365: March 23
I hope I can get the other pics because the kids had such a blast on the hike...words won't adequately describe the fun they had! They discovered nature - "allergy" in the stream and dead fish & clams (?) in the river! They skipped rocks, climbed trees, begged to swing into the river on a rope swing, dodged wet dogs, and avoided rocks being thrown by younger brothers....lots of fun!
* - my batteries generally don't last more than 6 weeks - David says it's because I take so many pictures. Oh well.
Project 365: March 22
He and his friend Carter stood in line at the turtle place on this day, dollars in hand, and ordered their own cookies. They picked out, paid for and thanked the "ady" for their cookies!
She thought they were so cute. We know they are!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
More Honors Chorus
That's Caroline in the purple circle just to the right of the director!
Volleyball Match 3
I picked Morgan up from practice to take her to the concert, knowing that we might not make it back in time for her to be able to play. She didn't want to miss her sister's concert, so as soon as the chorus finished the last song David rushed Morgan back to the middle school for her match. Arriving just as the teams were warming up, Morgan jumped right in. Not having the benefit of missing the traffic jam by leaving the concert early we didn't get to the middle school until the girls were starting their second game!
They had to play 3 games, but they won the match!
Next week, we have 3 nights of volleyball and then the season's over. This is good thing - lacrosse has already begun and the lacrosse practices and volleyball games are scheduled for the same times!
Project 365: March 21
Students from each of the 16 elementary schools were selected by their music teachers and have spent the past 6 weeks rehearsing. Our students have rehearsed three mornings each week since being selected.
Today the entire group of 170+ gathered together for the first time. They rehearsed together all afternoon and gave a concert this evening. It was amazing how it all came together so nicely and how fresh the students appeared, especially after singing the same songs all afternoon!
Project 365: March 19
Monday, March 19, 2007
Project 365: March 18
Project 365: March 17
This little leprechaun came knocking at our door, wanting to come in, out of the cold. Brr. It was awfully cold on Saturday!
We did let her in, but only after taking her picture! And laughing at her for a brief moment...!
You can't see her socks, but they are also a very bright green. She wanted, and searched all over without success for, green tights and green nail polish. Alas, she had to go without. She did manage to snag a pair of green shamrock-shaped eyeglasses - can you see them?!
While this one tried to wear everything green, the littlest girl wore only enough to avoid being pinched! The boy announced that he was wearing green underpants* - TMI, according to Caroline, who, predictably, also wore green from head to toe!!
Dinner was corned beef & cabbage, carrots, green beans, and, for those who eat nothing new & different, boxed (ick!) macaroni 'n cheese!
* like father, like son! Another TMI! from Caroline.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Project 365: March 16
Caroline took one pair of shoes for walking around outside, and another pair, as well as a change of socks, for when they would be inside.
Good call since they did walk through Maymont and did get their feet soaked!
The end result may have been damp pants, shoes and socks, but not damp moods. By all accounts, they had a great time.
Here's the after picture! A bit bedraggled, but still smiling!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Project 365: March 14
These treasures come all the way from New Bern.
The kids all collect different souvenirs. Morgan collects key chains, Caroline thimbles, Katherine magnets, and Will, though he doesn't even know it, lapel pins.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Volleyball Match 2
This little lass isn't afraid of the ball. She took in on the chin, and then some, for the team! She not afraid to get right in there to try to get it over the net. What she might lack in talent, she more than makes up for in spirit.
Though the girls were not as successful in this match as they were in their first, they played a good game and get better every time we see them!
Project 365: March 13
We watched until almost the end of the game when we had to quickly motor to catch Morgan's volleyball match against Jouett. Thankfully the volleyball games were running late so we made it to the gym just as Morgan's match was starting.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Project 365: March 12
Nice haircut, huh!? He's got a little tuft that sticks up in back. Seeing that hair, and taking into account certain behaviors, makes me consider rethinking the name...maybe we should have called him Dennis.
Constant motion, constant chatter, constant questions...if I'd known how much energy it takes to have a boy this late in life, I'd have had him first...before I used up all my energy on silly things like school and work!
As it stands, I had him last, after the school, the work, and the girls. We're both bone tired at the end of the day but it is a really good tired.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Finally Delivered!
There were all kinds of lap quilts donated. Some were crocheted, some knitted. Some were made of soft flannel, and some were quilted and made with "handles" so they wouldn't slip off the wheelchairs. Some were tied fleece quilts made by our K-5 children's missions class.
The lap quilts, made of fabrics that are bright and cheery, were made with the hope that the men and women who received them would be comforted not only by the warmth the blankets would bring, but by the knowledge that with the blankets come our prayers.
A Good Day For A Run
It was early. It was cold. The boy was not a happy camper! Even after a doughnut he was crying. Poor guy. He was so UNhappy that spectators passing by openly wondered if he had been abandoned on the street corner. Good mom! The girls and I were right there, not 5 feet away from his screaming madness. We just weren't letting his hysterics distract us from looking for our runners. It was about this time that I recalled last year's 10-miler. Every time David ran by us Will would begin crying anew because he couldn't understand why his Daddy kept going. Next race, someone please remind me to get a sitter!
Okay, we settled in at the wall just after the 4 1/2 mile point.
At the finish they were also met by Grandmama and Granddaddy, who had cheered from several points along the course,
and Valorie, who had walked the 4K. After sticking around for the awards and the grab bag prizes, we headed off to IHop. Yum! Nothing like real breakfast after running (or watching) a road race!