I started going on field trips to Carter Mountain 11 years ago when Morgan was in the 3-year-old class at her preschool. I've gone all but 2 years since, and probably went with the kids on those off years!
Today it was Will and Gabe's turn. The boys rode the school bus up the mountain with their teachers and another classmate and I met them there. While we waited for some other kids, and before the structure of the trip got started I let the boys pick out a big pumpkin to take home. The kids always get to pick apples and take a small pumpkin home after their hay ride, but we always like to get one of our big pumpkins at Carter Mountain, too.

After everyone had arrived we had story time. The story taught the kids how to pick an apple without having all of the other apples fall to the ground. It also showed them that all apples have a star in their center.

This is one of Will's teachers, Mr. Neil. Here they were enjoying the hayride. Will was very serious as the tractor pulled us around. He wanted to know what everything was and really seemed to be taking in all the details.

Once released from story time to fill their bags, the boys took off after their old teacher, Ms. Cathy.

Here we have some apples! Gabe wasted no time biting into his apple. Will, on the other hand wouldn't try one. He wants to make applesauce with his. They both did try, and like, the apple cider donuts that are sold up at the apple barn! They are super yummy!

I had to have a posed picture on a very conveniently placed rock!

Here we found red apples - we were only allowed to pick golden delicious apples today!
As it turns out, it's a good thing we got those big pumpkins because our little group hadn't purchased the pumpkin package (!) so the kids didn't get to pick out a little pumpkin. Talk about messing with their heads - these guys know what's supposed to happen at the apple orchard - that's where you get your pumpkins!

After eating their lunches, the boys wanted to climb down and put their heads in the hole in the apple. We did this last year too! In fact, I think I have pictures of all of my kids playing worm at Carter Mountain.
Here's Gabe...and here's Will.