Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Project 365: April 29
Morgan had her game at noon and Katherine and Caroline had their games in the late afternoon. This picture shows the girls on Caroline's team cheering for their teammates. They were behind almost the entire game, until they managed to tie it up in the last minute of the 4th quarter. We won 8-7 in sudden death. It was great to win, but even better was seeing the girls on the sideline finally understand the need to support their teammates.
For the record, Morgan's team won, and Katherine's too!
OIAM 2007
There are so many good projects each year. In the past I've always participated in the sewing project - at first out of a need to be at church and closer my kids, but then later because I enjoyed that more than gardening and painting! The first year that I participated we made over 60 sundresses and 45 pairs of shorts to send to Yetebon, Ethiopia for students at a school sponsored by Project Mercy. Then last year we made over 65 lap quilts for a local nursing home. This year's sewing project was to make 44 pairs of curtains for a local summer camp for children with special needs.
Because they wanted to be able to finish the project in one day and they wanted to make 75 bears, we had to get the bears sewn prior to Saturday's blitz. Luckily we have some very handy and willing women who volunteered to sew the bears ahead of time.
*The Youth were participating in World Vision's 30-hour famine this weekend so they did not get to eat the yummy breakfast or lunch. They did however break their fast with a meal of pizza and junk food...everything a youth could want in a meal - pizza, soda, candy, dessert, and even veggies!
Project 365: April 28
After a long Saturday away from home, along with some increasingly bothersome, but fairly normal, quarreling between siblings, I sent the girls outside to throw the ball around. They did for quite awhile, and then later when I looked out the window to check on them, I saw Morgan balancing her stick on one foot, and Caroline balancing hers on her hip.
They are so talented.
I wonder how much better they'd be on the field if they would concentrate that much on their stickwork!
I Didn't Win - Revisited
Well, get a load of this!
I did win the digital photo frame after all!
No, I didn't win it in that contest. We had the annual spring festival at the elementary school last Friday night and I won it in the raffle! Too cool!
As I was walking around talking to people while my kids played games, several people came up to me to tell me I had won something - figuring it was pizza at Casella's (which I love!) I didn't hurry in. I know my jaw dropped to the floor when I was handed this box, I just hope I didn't start drooling. I was completely and utterly floored! So, many thanks to the donor of this prize, and the picker of my name.
Was it kismet, good karma, coincidence, pure luck, or just plain good fortune?
I definitely believe I have oodles of good fortune...good fortune to have my family and my friends. And, as much as I love this digital frame which I never would have gotten otherwise, none of my good fortune has to to do with winning anything. Really.
Friday, April 27, 2007
16 Years Ago Today
Our wedding day was just perfect. Almost all of my favorite people were there, most notably absent being my mother's parents who were not in good enough health to travel across the country.
The only mishap was my Aunt Linda's heel getting stuck between the bricks - not a problem, my dad dug it out with his key, and on we went.
If anything else went wrong, I didn't know about it, and didn't care.
I found out afterward that it had started to rain just before the ceremony, but it stopped before we ladies made our way to the Chapel. The rain would have put a damper on the outside garden reception, but we would have made do inside!
The reception was perfect. We held it within walking distance from the chapel on The Lawn at The Colonnade Club. The club has a beautiful garden surrounded by serpentine walls. The flowers were in full bloom. I'm told the food was good, but I don't remember. My mother-in-law says it was the longest reception she's ever attended, but I blame that on the endless receiving line! I guess we stayed until after 6, but since we really didn't have anywhere to be until the next morning, and many of our relatives and friends had come from far, far away, it made sense to stay.
Still, in the end it was good to get away and be by ourselves...and to settle into the newness being husband and wife.
*The photographer was Jim Carpenter of Gitchell's Studio. He was also the Grand Marshall of the Dogwood Parade which was being held that day which meant he had to skip out of our reception. The upside of that was that we had 2 photographers for the price of one!
I Didn't Win

Angie the Ant is the official mascot for Prevent Child Abuse America and 50% of all proceeds from the sale of this book will go to organizations that work to prevent child abuse.
Looks like a fun's definitely a good cause...and since we don't have it yet, I thought to myself, "why not enter?"
Thursday, April 26, 2007
If it's Thursday...
The 4/5 team members were lucky enough to have a sub so everyone got to get a water break during the scrimmage. That was a good thing because they were busting theirs...all over the field! L was in the goal and was fantastic! CD(in pink shorts) stayed on my Caroline, and vice versa. They all hustled!
The 2/3 team had a fun time scrimmaging today, too. Little Emma was in the goal for the first time and did really well! There were 4 pairs on the field which gave the girls a lot of room to move around and get open to catch the ball or to try to shoot. One of the funniest things about these scrimmages is that when one side has made the requisite number of passes and has been given the all-clear to shoot, ("Orange, you can shoot!"), the other team (white) just stands there and lets them shoot! Too funny. They just don't have a good understanding of their role, I guess. Or didn't - they do now!
A Day in the Life of a Boy
If it's Tuesday....
Having determined that they won, in part, because they did not get worn out from all the running, which he attributed to the running they do in practice, their coach had them run 3 laps instead of the usual two!!
The girls were not thrilled but picked up their sticks and cradled their way around the field three times!
Just when you think you know someone really well, they can go and pull a fast one on you! This one, sweet as she is, decided she wanted to play goalie* on Tuesday. So she went from being all sweet and pretty to being Gladiator Girl! OOH! Watch out world!
Surprised I was, definitely! This is, after all the girl got beaned in the arm on Saturday and had to leave the field to get ice - and what a wonderful bruise that was! So who is this child anyway?
This one just gets better and better with every practice! She was really on the ball today, and having a great time!
*What is it with these girls?
Project 365: April 26

And aren't their sticks so pretty?! When I played (countless years ago) most of the players had wooden sticks and the ones who did have the newer sticks certainly didn't have pink, or green, or yellow heads!
Project 365: April 25
Speaking of skunks...David had Gracie outside last night and saw some movement on the other side of the yard. Thinking it was a groundhog (since we have lots of them!) he and the dog decided to rush the beast.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Project 365: April 24

This girl started reading when she was just 4 and has not slowed down yet. She's been known to read under the covers with flashlight, read books in school when she's supposed to be listening(!), and read in between homework assignments. You know how it is - you have to read a passage for your assignment, but then you just have to keep going. Cruelty is when the teacher won't allow you to continue on.
We had a big belly laugh recently when her teacher wrote on her report card that "Caroline procrastinated on her AR reading this quarter." What a hoot! AR reading is when the kids have to read a book that's on their reading level and on an approved list and then take a comprehension test on that book. The requirement itself isn't a bad one. For some kids those are they only books they read outside of school during the nine weeks. The problem for Caroline is that there are very few books at her level that she hadn't already read. She really had to scrounge to find books that she hadn't already been tested on and ended up using several of the books from The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket - which I'm pretty sure she had not read recently. It's hard for me to be sure, since she reads and re-reads so frequently.
One of the pluses of having kids who enjoy reading is that we haven't felt the need to cave and buy one of those DVD players for the van. Having big sisters who love to read has taught Will to know he should pack books every time we go somewhere. It's second nature for these guys.
What books are you bringing?
Monday, April 23, 2007
Project 365: April 23
We had burgers, fries, pasta salad, beans & chips - like we need fries and chips! We did not have the yummy ice cream that K and I picked out. That'll have to wait until tonight.
After eating, half of us went on a walk in the "forest" to do who knows what. I encouraged them to take Gracie, which they did. Somehow they didn't catch the hint though, and they brought her back! Alas.
The travelers didn't make it very far into the forest for they spotted the zipline. There they stayed until it began to get dark. Will told me later that he had gone on the zipline all by himself and that his Daddy caught him and dropped him. I asked, "On your head?" "No mommy, on my sandals!"
Here's a BONUS picture! It's gotten a lot greener back there since the last time I took a picture of the backyard!
Project 365: April 21
Friday, April 20, 2007
United in Grief
I don't know who created this picture - I received it via several emails today. If anyone knows, please tell me and I'll include the proper credit.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Dinner Out
David and I had to find softball gloves for our first softball game* on Friday night! So we went up to Play It Again Sports to see what we could find. We came away with 2 gloves, a ball, an orange shirt for K for game days, cleats for 2, and a cool lacrosse practice game.
By the time we were done shopping we were all famished, especially Will who needs food every 3 minutes these we headed to our new favorite pizza place - Fabio's! We scarfed down an huge appetizer and halves of 2 extra large pizzas. It was so good, and good again on Friday for lunch!
*Just in case anyone is wondering how the softball game went. I did get a base hit using a sexy bat and a ladies ball, and despite certain stories going around, I did not argue (too much) with the ump!
If it's Thursday
Anyway, back to last Thursday. Practice as usual. It was rainy and a bit cold when we started out, but once everyone got moving it wasn't too bad - really nice weather for practice.*
Katherine took being on the orange team to heart on this day and dressed in orange from head to toe! She had a great practice too!
*The girls did end up stripping off their sweatshirts after about 30 minutes! There's just too much running around to be bundled up!